89 min


Beyond Elsewhere

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Režie: Johanna Kirsch


Laden with our parents’ ideals of the ’68 generation, we go in search of how we want to lead our lives. Wemeet Ute, Wim and the Wieserhoislers have all taken a big step towards living by their own beliefs and desires. During our visits, we learn what their daily lives alternative to the norm are like, how utopias become actual places, and why there is no dropping out of society. They have knowledge that can’t be found in books and they have all given much thought to how to put things in practice. In one way or another they are all responsive to existential crises of civilization. Beyond the guilt trip of our generation of not being ecologically and politically correct enough, we want to open up a space where things are possible, sensual and available based on everybody’s reality.
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